

EXTREME: AN ANTHOLOGY FOR SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE. Comment by Dr. Cornel West: "This book keeps our flame lit and our fire burning!" Pages 207-209. 2 poems in finish versions originally written in English: The Oil Road and Sweat Lodge For Pachamama.

RISE: AN ANTHOLOGY OF POWER AND UNITY (2016) edited by Mark Lipman and published by Vagabond Books. Pages 94-95. 2 Poems originally written in English: Brutality Games and Song for the Worker Woman final version.

THE BORDER CROSSED US: AN ANTHOLOGY TO END APARTHEID (2015), edited by Mark Lipman and published by Vagabond Books. Pages 31-33. Poems: The Empire for 1 Poem / El Imperio por 1 Poema (Translation by the author), Migration Fields (Originally written in English).

COILED SERPENT Poets arising from the Cultural Quakes and Shifts of Los Angeles with an introduction by Los Angeles Poet Laureate Luis J. Rodriguez, published by Tia Chucha Press in 2016. Poems pages 320-321: America Malinche’s Trade (originally written in Spanish, translation into English by the author), Evening Snapshot, (Final Version originally written in English).

WIDE AWAKE Poets of Los Angeles and Beyond, edited by Suzanne Lummis, 2015 Pacific Coast Poetry Series, an imprint of Beyond Baroque Books, Pages 253-255. Poems: Memory of Moss ( final version of the First poem written in English by the author in 1998). Syrup of Enchanted Smoke with Green Shoes. Final version written originally in Spanish, translation by the author.

OVERTHROWING CAPITALISM, Volume two, page 150, poem: Song For The Worker Woman (written originally in English), 2015 Kallatumba Press, edited by Jack Hirschman and John Curl.

REVOLUTIONARY POETS BRIGADE LOS ANGELES edited by Mark Lipman. Published by Vagabond from Venice California 2014. Pages 267-272. Poems: Collective De-Cante-r. Finished versions translated by the author with the help of Barbara Paschke and Linda R. Guglielmoni.

REVOLUTIONARY POETS BRIGADE ANTHOLOGY. VOLUME I. Published by Caza de Poesía in Los Angeles 2010. Selection by Jack Hirschman and edited by Mark Lipman. Poems: E-mail from a soldier son to his veteran father, Breaking the fast, pages 356-360. Unfinished versions.

LEFT CURVE · 35, editor Casaba Polony, San Francisco 2011. Poem: E-mail from a soldier son to his veteran father. Page 102. Unfinished Version.

HEARTFIRE: Second Revolutionary Poets Brigade Anthology edited by Jack Hirschman and Agneta Falk in San Francisco 2013. Pages: 350-357. Poem: Una herida por otra: Nueva York NueveOnceDosMilUno. Unfinished Version. Translated by the autor with the help of Linda R. Guglielmoni and Barbara Paschke.

VOICES IN WAR TIME Documental and anthology edited by Andrew Himes, 2005. Interview HE WENT OUT ONE DAY AND NEVER CAME BACK, The endless Civil War, memory and return, taking a stand, the poet as witness. Unfinished Version of the POEM: Letter to the brother that went to war. 150-158. Voices in War Time Documentary and anthology:

ONE WOUND FOR ANOTHER / UNA HERIDA POR OTRA, ANTHOLOGY OF TESTIMONY, Prologue by Elena Poniatowska, México 2004. 13 poems all unfinished versions of poems written in English or Spanish. POEMAS: My name is pedro, Miel diurna, Lengua opresora, Independencia, Noctámbulo por la paz, Herida de impunidad, NueveOnceDosMilUno, Imagen de Nueva York, Noctámbulo de los desaparecidos, When you leave so suddenly, Hiroshima flits dark, El trueque de la Malinche, Let’s ride the merry go round. Pages 272 to 284.

THE SECOND WELLINGTON INTERNATIONAL POETRY FESTIVAL 2004 edited by Mark Pirie and Ron Riddell. Pages 87 to 91. Unfinished Versions of poems originally written in English: A poem is the last frontier of resistance. Letter to the brother that went to war, The sweat, Tunka Tipi or the stone people’s house, The cumbia dance of freedom.

LA CALACA REVIEW 2003. POEM: The sweat lodge Tunka Tipi or the stone people’s house. Page #20. Unfinished early version originally written in English.

PEARL vol 31. Summer 2002. POEM originally written in English: Prasadam. Unfinished version.

RIVENDELL VOL 1 No.1. Winter 2002. Pages 137, 138. Unfinished versions originally written in English. POEMS: Free Way City, In every corner of Los Angeles, A visit to ever youthful fields nursing home.

THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ANTHOLOGY. VOL. XVII. Los Angeles, California Year 2000. Page 128. POEM: The Garage Sale. Unfinished version originally written in English.

MISSISSIPPI REVIEW. YEAR 2000. Vol. 28 #3, pages 174-175. Hattiesburg, MS. POEM: What December 1990 Brought. Unfinished early version.

TIDEMARK: THE CARIBBEAN AND ITS DIASPORA / ENLACES: EL CARIBE Y SU DIÁSPORA, New York 2000. Anthology of Women Writers. Pages 149-156. Bronx, New York. Unfinished early versions. POEMS: Crossroads, This Pen I Celebrate, The Wall Inside. El juego de las aprendices, Al poeta suicida, Tejedoras de fronteras.

RATTLE POETRY REVIEW. WINTER 1999. VOL. 5 #2, Los Angeles, CA. Page 120. POEM: The Storm Sets Down. Originally written in English.

RATTLE POETRY REVIEW. SUMMER 1998. VOL. 9, Los Angeles, CA. Page 79. POEM: My name is Pedro, unfinished version.

SPILLWAY POETRY REVIEW. #8, YEAR 1998. Los Angeles CA. Pages 108-111. POEMS in unfinished version, originally written in English: In The Shape of a Woman, If I Decide. In every corner of Los Angeles there is a miracle, Free-Way City.

POETS AGAINST THE WAR, editor Sam Hamill. Year 2003. POEM: My Name is Pedro. First draft or unfinished version. 

PROSE POEMS AT WORK. YEAR 2001. POSTCARD #6. Poetry Award from Writers At Work, Los Angeles, CA. POEM: Migration Fields. Unfinished version originally written in English.


POETRY IN MOTION, YEAR 2001. MTA Metro Art and Poetry Society of America. Poster and Bookmark displayed in buses and trains in Los Angeles, California. POEM: Green Shoes / Zapatos Verdes. Unfinished first draft translated by the author.

FIFTEEN POETS FROM THE END OF THE MILLENNIUM / QUINCE POETAS DE FIN DE SIGLO, Colombian poets in the US / Poetas colombianos en EU, New York 2000. Versiones sin terminar. Traducidas por la autora. POEMAS: 10. Se publicó una versión incompleta en un blog en internet.
THE POEM writing down the music of your life. Summer 1999. Edited by Doraine Poretz. Published by the Golden Frog Press. . Pge 30-31. Unfinished early versions originally written in English. Poems: Cruzana, Migration Fields.

THE POEM writing down the music of your life. Autumn 1998. Edited by Doraine Poretz. Published by the Golden Frog Press. Page 30-31. Unfinished early versions of originally written poems in English. Poems: Walt Whitman, The return.

Dialogue trough poetry among civilizations, New York 2002. Reflections, New Jersey 2002.
Four Los Angeles poets / Cuatro poetas de Los Ángeles, 1998. Unfinished early versions written both in English or Spanish and translated by the author.

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